

David is an experienced arbitrator, mediator and early neutral evaluator, both domestically and internationally. He also conducts independent inquiries and chairs disciplinary proceedings within corporate, public, sporting, educational or similar bodies.

Until his retirement, David was a “highly respected” first instance High Court judge (the Supreme Court in Mandalia v SSHD [2015] UKSC 59).  He  presided over a number of high profile cases and dealt with a many disputes including commercial and employment matters, education, sporting and leisure-related cases, planning and public law cases (many involving human rights issues) and significant clinical and other professional negligence and personal injury cases.   He case-managed and tried substantial multi-party litigation and engaged in significant fact-finding exercises in many cases.

He is currently chairing the independent Panel  reassessing certain losses suffered by victims of the fraud committed at the HBOS Impaired Assets Office for London and the South East between 2003 and 2007.


Maria is a Senior Lecturer in Family Law at the University of Sussex. An Italian advocate and trained mediator, she holds a PhD from SOAS. Before undertaking her doctorate, she worked for Save the Children Italy, specialising in children’s rights. Her main research interests lie at the intersection of dispute resolution, access to justice, comparative family law, children’s rights, sexual orientation and gender identity. Her research project on same-sex couples and mediation in the EU has been funded by the European Commission. She combines academic interests with activism in support of LGBTQ+ people, and as a lawyer she has been involved in a number of domestic and European court cases. She is co-director of the Centre for Cultures of Reproduction, Technologies and Health at the University of Sussex, and co-editor of the journal Mediation Theory and Practice.


Tony has over 30 years experience as a mediator, professional practice consultant and trainer. He has trained hundreds of mediators throughout UK in Family, Community, Health Care Complaints, Victim Offender and Workplace mediation contexts. For ten years he trained Muslim mediators in 15 countries throughout South East Asia, Africa, USA, Canada, Europe, and the Middle east, including Syria and Afghanistan. He has presented papers and workshops at international conferences, published 40 articles on mediation practice, and was a founder member and elected governor, of the College of Mediators. His book, ‘Mediation Skills and Strategies – A Practical Guide’ 2012 has sold over 4000 copies worldwide, also in Spanish. He is currently completing his next book.

MS Lia Shimada

Lia is a London-based mediator and community practitioner, with extensive experience in the not-for-profit sector. She spent a number of years working with the peacebuilding process in Northern Ireland, where she facilitated dialogue about racism, regeneration and conflict transformation in local communities. As an accredited mediator, Lia works primarily with organisational, workplace, community and housing disputes. She was appointed to the Professional Standards Committee of the College of Mediators in 2016, and she chairs the working group responsible for developing and implementing the Policy for Diversity and Inclusive Practice in Mediation.


Bill  is an international  commercial mediator. He was the WWL Mediator of the Year 2018 and the 2019 leading Mediation Silk.  Based at Brick Court Chambers in London and also at Maxwell Mediators in Singapore  he mediates roughly seventy cases each year. The disputes range across the commercial spectrum and beyond to include human rights issues. He practices principally in London but  has recently worked  in Geneva , New York, Johannesburg, Singapore  and Hong Kong. He was educated at Oxford and at Harvard Law School. He became a Queen’s Counsel in 1998. Bill is the ADR representative on England’s Civil Justice Council  and is Vice-Chair of the new Judicial /ADR Liaison Committee.


Angela has been advising clients on all aspects of family law since 1986 and has worked within a variety of settings including large corporate firms, in a small country practice, has operated her own niche family law practice.

She was one of the first Resolution members to have been accredited in 1998 and continues to hold accreditation in Financial Provision level II and Private Children matters.  Her particular expertise is advising clients upon separation to decide how to divide their assets including those involving farms, business assets, and pensions.

She has always had an interest in promoting expertise within family law practice; she has regularly spoken on radio, and has advised on the BBC breakfast couch.  She has contributed to various publications and for 10 years was a member of Resolutions national training committee in London.

Dr Srđan Šimac

Srđan is a judge and former President of the High Commercial Court of the Republic of Croatia; President of Croatian Mediation Association; mediation pioneer and founder of court mediation; judge-mediator, and mediator in domestic and international business disputes. He is an arbiter at the Permanent Arbitration Court at the Croatian Chamber of Commerce. He is a mediation trainer (CEDR accredited), lecturer, speaker and mediation promoter nationally and internationally. In addition, he is the author of many articles on mediation. He is a member of GEMME, CEDR, JAMS. He was made a JAMS International Weinstein Fellow in 2010. He is also a member of mediation panels in Washington (ICSID), London (CEDR and Prime Dispute), Vienna (VIAC), Rome (JAMS International), Moscow and Belgrade. He has been awarded London CEDR Award 2012 winner for ADR and Civil Justice Innovation, Croatian Mediation Association Award 2013 and Slovenian Association of Mediators Award 2016. Srđan is listed in the international directory Who’s Who Legal Commercial Mediation 2011 – 2020.

Ms Maura Rose

Maura Rose currently works as a Mediator, Family Group Conference Coordinator, Conflict Coach, Restorative Justice Practitioner, and trainer in all the above. She runs her own company called Balance Mediation where she has recently worked with Trafford Children’s Services and Lancashire Constabulary.

Prior to this Maura worked as the manager of Bolton Mediation from August 2000 to August 2012. While in this role Maura managed 7 different mediation projects and gained extensive knowledge and experience in working with conflict in a wide variety of fields including community mediation, the prevention of anti-social behaviour, using a range of restorative practices, working with families, and workplace mediation. Due to her expertise in recruiting, managing, training and motivating volunteers Maura has also delivered training courses in this area. Prior to this Maura volunteered with Bolton Mediation since completing her training in September 1996.

Maura was awarded Competent Mediator Status by Mediation UK. In addition to a very practical community background Maura has a sound theoretical knowledge and constantly adds to this by research and personal development. In April 2007 Maura completed her Masters in Mediation Skills and Conflict Resolution from Birkbeck College.

Maura is a member of the College of Mediators, European Forum of Restorative Justice, an accredited Trainer with International Institute of Restorative Practices and Family Rights Group.

dr chelvan

Chelvan is a globally recognised legal expert on refugee and human rights claims based on sexual, or gender identity and expression. Chelvan has been practising from No5 Barristers’ Chambers in London, since 2011, having been Called to the Bar in 1999.  He was awarded his PhD in Law from King’s College London in 2019. Chelvan is instructed on cases in the UK up to and including the Supreme Court, and the Strasbourg Court. Chelvan views his role is that of a story-teller and interpreter, translating his client’s narratives into the foreign language called the law, but to do so, establishing ‘the safe space’ in order for the person seeking asylum to be able to tell their stories.  He is a champion of LGBT+ rights at home and abroad, through litigation, academic and policy engagement and development.


Anne Regier, LLB, Cert. Justice (Havard), MCIJ, Registered Arbitrator (ICCA), FRSA, FPV, and accredited mediator (Vantage10). Anne is one of the founding directors of Vantage10 Panel of Mediators and Experts, which is a UK-based international dispute resolution organisation specialising in innovation in dispute resolution practice. She is also Vice President at AIMC – Association of International Mediation Counsels and a Lecturer on its online Professional Program for Mediation Counsels, which is accredited by the Law Society of Ontario for 1 hour and 20 minutes of professionalism hours.


Trained as a mediator in 1994 by ADR Group and became a full time mediator in 2006. Types of mediation work – Dispute Mediation: professional indemnity, commercial, property, public/product liability and personal injury claims, and Deal Mediation: industry deals involving Association of British Insurance, the Law Society, Civil Justice Council, Ministry of Justice and RTA Portal Co Limited.

Tim has dealt with many thousands of claims as a solicitor and a mediator – being insurance related. Whether acting for, or against, an insurer, Tim’s experience as a mediator, solicitor, and company director has given him a deep insight into the practical working of claims in this sector. This experience involves bringing claims, defending them and understanding diverse types of claim (high value, high volume, claims outside the UK) and the business and other demands of the various parties involved. Tim is the independent Chairman of RTA Portal Co Limited and the GTA Technical Committee (credit hire).


Dr Andre Alexander, LLB, MA, SJD, is a founding director of the Vantage10 Panel. He is also Senior Vice President at the Association of International Mediation Counsels. In addition to this, he is a Barrister at the Brussels Bar, a Registered Mediator with the Employment Lawyers Association of the UK and a Registered Arbitrator with ICCA. Andre serves as an Administrative Officer at ICDRO – International Court of Dispute Resolution Online and is the structural and content designer of Vantage10’s Professional & Accredited Mediation Counsel Programme. He has worked in cross-border dispute resolution for some 20 years.


Scott is an Associate Family Law Solicitor at Irwin Mitchell LLP based in London and Leeds. Scott advises on divorce, dissolution, wealth protection mechanisms, the financial consequences of relationship breakdown and complex children law issues. He regularly advises high net worth individuals and city professionals. Scott regularly advises heterosexual client’s, but has noticeable expertise in LGBT+ family law and family creation and is described in Legal 500 (2019) as having “expertise in LGBTQ+ family law”.

He also sits on the Law Society National LGBT+ Lawyers Committee at Chancery Lane. The committee provides LGBT+ solicitors with a community and voice within the legal profession and also provides specialist events and training, ad-hoc peer support and campaigns.

Scott is also a published author and lecturer regularly contributing to legal journals , featuring in the national press and radio on LGBT family law issues and human rights.